The Best Dog-Friendly Hiking Trails in Cape Town

Dog-Friendly Trails Janet Louise Martin

Because a walk without Rover is, well, not quite the same…

Whether you’re after a coastal meander, forest ramble or a blood-pumping mountainous hike, it’s no fun without your pooch, right? Which is why we’ve rounded up the best dog-friendly walks in Cape Town.

Dog-Friendly Hiking Trails

1. Gifkloof Trail

Gifkloof trail
Where Greyton
What From the junction of lower Regent and Vlei Streets, head through a gate in the fence, across the Gobos river (there’s a nice picnic spot by the riverside if you feel so inclined) and up the hillside, where the trail winds its way through the hills surrounding Greyton before eventually ending back where it started. Dogs and horses are welcome, provided they don’t interfere with each other.
Good to know The trail passes through a shooting range. Watch out for a red flag that will warn you if the range is in use (usually only the last Saturday of the month), or inquire with Greyton Tourism beforehand.
Cost Free
Contact (Greyton Conservation Society)
028 254 9564, 028 254 9414,  (Greyton Tourism)
Location Greyton, Western Cape

2. Silwerfontein Trail

silwerfontein trail
Image credit: Accommodations South Africa

Where Tulbagh
What This circular trail passes through pine forests, fynbos fields and ravines on its way around the Ontongskop Peak, and can be hiked in a day or overnight if you choose. Silwerfontein’s famous guide dog Kasper, who unfortunately passed away some time ago, used to greet hikers in the morning and shepherd them along the trail, and would even lead them to safe watering spots.
Cost R50 (adults)
R25 (pet)
R150 (overnight)
Bookings must be made ahead of time
Contact 079 500 1906,
Location Silwerfontein Guest Farm, Gouda, Tulbagh

3. Beaverlac Camp Site

Image credit: PopcornCandi

Where Cederberg
What If you’re after more than another stroll through the forest, Beaverlac is a dog-friendly campsite with access to the Olifants River and some great hiking and swimming spots. Campers love bringing their kids and pets along, so it’s probably not the right place to go for peace and quiet, but for pooches it’s a five-star getaway.
Good to know A maximum of two dogs per car are allowed. Day visits are no longer possible, but if you don’t fancy a camping trip, there are self-catering cottages available for rent.
Cost R55 (adults)
R35 (children 4 – 17)
Free (children under 4)
R50 per dog
R20 per car
Contact 022 931 2945,
Location Beaverlac, 6810 Porterville, Western Cape

4. Chapman’s Peak

Chapman's Peak: Dog-friendly Hikes

Where Table Mountain National Park
What Its (relatively) short distance and effortless terrain make this one a popular trail. Starting at the toll booths, it offers great vantages of the the Fish Hoek and Hout Bay valleys, as well as Cape Point, Karbonkelberg and Klein Leeukoppie.
Need to know You will need to get a day pass (request one at the toll booth, there is no charge) for safe parking and access to the hiking trail. Also, remember to take a warm top – Cape weather is unpredictable.
Good to know Areas that form part of the Table Mountain National Park require dog-walkers to have a Level 1 My Activity Permit, which can be purchased for R320 from the Tokai Plantation Office, or at the specified Cape Town Tourism branches, and is valid for 12 months from the day of purchase. A maximum of two dogs are allowed.
Contact 021 712 0527, (Table Mountain National Park)
021 791 8220, (Chapman’s Peak Drive)
086 110 6417/ 107 or 021 480 7700 (TMNP emergency numbers)
Location Chapmans Peak Drive

Dog-Friendly Walks

1. Alphen Trail

alphen trail
Image credit:

Where Constantia
What This ever-popular dog-walking spot is one of several in the Alphen Greenbelt, and it’s as green as they come. The path starts at Alphen Drive off the M3, running through grassy meadows and along peaceful river banks – the epitome of a leisurely stroll.
Cost Free
Location Alphen Drive, Constantia

2. Tokai Plantation

lower tokai plantation
Image credit: City of Sunshine and Storms

Where Tokai
What A scenic forested area with the occasional stream running through it, and the popular Elephant’s Eye hiking trail. Dogs are allowed in the lower section of the plantation.
Good to know Areas that form part of the Table Mountain National Park require dog-walkers to have a Level 1 My Activity Permit, which can be purchased for R320 from the Tokai Plantation Office, or at the specified Cape Town Tourism branches, and is valid for 12 months from the day of purchase. A maximum of two dogs are allowed.
Cost Free (with My Activity Permit)
Contact 021 712 7471 (Tokai Plantation Office)
021 712 0527, (Table Mountain National Park)
021 712 7471 (Information on My Activity Permits)
Location Tokai Forest, Tokai, Cape Town

3. Liesbeek River Trail

liesbeek river trail
Image credit: Friends of the Liesbeek

Where Observatory
What This trail starts at Kirstenbosch and leads you along the banks of the Liesbeek River, through a secret garden in the midst of the ’burbs. Residents of Bishopscourt have undertaken the care and conservation of this area, and from all appearances, they’re doing a damn fine job.
Cost Free
Location Liesbeek Parkway Green Corridor, Newlands, Cape Town

4. Newlands Forest

newlands forest
Image credit: Natalie Exposed

Where Newlands
What Of course, there’s always good old Newlands Forest, with its lush greenery and pristine picnic spots. Dog-walking is just one of many attractions that make the popular nature spot fun for the whole family.
Good to know Areas that form part of the Table Mountain National Park require dog-walkers to have a Level 1 My Activity Permit, which can be purchased for R320 from the Tokai Plantation Office, or at the specified Cape Town Tourism branches, and is valid for 12 months from the day of purchase. A maximum of two dogs are allowed.
Cost Free (with My Activity Permit)
Contact 021 712 0527, (Table Mountain National Park)
021 712 7471 (Information on My Activity Permits)
Location M3 Newlands Forest, Newlands, Cape Town

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The Inside Guide has made every effort to ensure that the information in this post was correct at the time of publication. However, we do not assume any liability caused by errors, such as price, cost, time, and location.

Time of publication: 23 June 2016

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17 Responses to “The Best Dog-Friendly Hiking Trails in Cape Town”

  1. Porchia Sprague

    Hiking trails recommendations in and around Cape Town

  2. Piers Mansfield-ScaddanPI

    How much is the my activity permit?


  3. michelle

    great nfo

  4. Tania


    Could anyone please recommend an awesome dog walker that is good with large high energy dogs. My husky is in desperate need of socializing and running around with other dogs (just moved 5 days ago to Green Point, Cape Town from London, UK). He doesn’t get along with any flat faced dogs (so can’t be in the same group with any bulldogs or boxers etc). He is neutered so if fine with neutered males whereas he is a bit hit and miss with intact ones but he soon knows his place in the group. He needs to be off the lead in the nature so he has a good run and exercise with other dogs, he gets very unhappy and frustrated on the lead so my worst case scenario would be if he was walked on the lead with many other dogs as he would just be so miserable and frustrated (unfortunately I am aware some companies do exactly this despite telling you otherwise so I am very cautious about this). He was very lucky that he had the most amazing dog walker in London so I know he is desperately missing his fun daily adventures. I would be most grateful if anyone had any recommendations for a great dog walker in Cape Town?

  5. John Richards

    I don’t think you can take dogs into Tokai any more, I wasn’t even allowed to drive to the permit office with dogs in my vehicle. Plenty of routes in Silvermine though, to both sides of Ou Kaapse Weg (with activity permit).

  6. Winnie

    Just took my dog on the Liesbeek River park walk, lovely! I would never have known it. Thank you for suggesting it.

  7. Sandra

    Have just moved to Stellenbosch Winelands but can’t find any dog-friendly walks in this area. My fur-baby is used to walking the trails in and around Constantia, but now we are forced to walk around our small estate, which is still a building site – not very enjoyable!

  8. Christine Wilke

    Have moved to Durbanville and would live to know where are dog friendly works. Have done Majik forest.

  9. Robin

    Thanks dude, that’s really helpful.


    And Silvermine , Long Beach Kommetjie , Milnerton Beach, The Glen in Camps Bay, Lionshead,

    • Jacques


      Are dogs allowed on all hiking routes at silver mine? I see there is a MyActivityPass that is required for dogs? This is a yearly fee though and I am just going once.


  11. Benjamin

    What about Keurboom Park and Rondebosch Common?

  12. James Rawlings

    What about the Spaanschemat River trail all the way from Silverhurst, past ‘Peddlars’, and onwards into Keysers to join up with Tokai Forest?
