A Dinosaur Exhibition Among the Cycads at Kirstenbosch Gardens

Kirstenbosch Dinosaurs Cape Town

A life-size display of prehistoric wonders to raise awareness of cycad extinction.

Take a walk on the wild side, but tread carefully. Lurking behind the giant cycad trees are dinosaurs – life-size sculptures of the prehistoric creatures that have transformed these magnificent botanical gardens into a fun-filled adventure zone.

Through the exhibition of anatomically accurate dinosaur sculptures, Kirstenbosch aims to highlight the plight of South Africa’s cycad population, which is on the brink of extinction. Six tin dinosaur sculptures – created by talented Zimbabwean artist, David Huni – have been placed among the endangered species in the Garden’s Cycad Amphitheatre, making for an intriguing and fun adventure for young and old. With so much to do, see and learn, Kirstenbosch is a veritable adventure zone for children.

Why not do a 90-minute free guided tour? Or grab a map and wander on your own, making sure to pass the Conservatory (home to a baobab tree and succulents), the Useful Plants Garden, Fragrance Garden and the Sculpture Garden.

If the weather permits, the boomslang canopy walk is great fun for the whole family.

Book Now


Rhodes Drive Newlands Cape Town


021 799 8783


The Inside Guide has made every effort to ensure that the information in this post was correct at the time of publication. However, we do not assume any liability caused by errors, such as price, cost, time, and location.

Time of publication: 27 June 2019